Category: Hanga | Create

My Akomanga Kaihanga Blog

My group project is the Enviro Group which is based on the environment and how we can make it better.

Some of the tasks we had to complete started off by counting how many General waste bins, Recycle bins and Compost bins the school had in total. After counting the bins we looked up on the internet of how many students come to Tamaki College and the result was approximately 600 students so we did some calculations and divided the number of students by the number of general waste bins and the result was 1 bin for 10 students which were not enough and it meant the rubbish bins could not hold the amount of rubbish that the school was making.  After this, we picked up as much rubbish from the field  as we could and we separated them into 3 parts, one was general waste, the next was compot and the third was recycle. Once we had seperated them we had counted how much rubbish was in each pile and used it as data to collect. The result of this was 210 general waste pieces of rubbish, 154 pieces of compost pieces and 10 pieces of recycle pieces. Our next step is to hopefully get some more general waste bins and spread it around the school and get a lot more compost bins as we have barely any in the school.


SLJ 1St Place Winner

Ever since I started participating in the Summer Learning Journey I’ve been winning either 1st place or 2nd place. My competitor has always been my sister, each year we take turn on wining 1st place. This year I won 1st place not just for completing the SLJ tasks but also for top quality blog post and top commenter as well
