Day: May 13, 2022

Tessllelation Art

For Math we had to do Tesselation Art It is when you chop a bit of a square paper from the corners and then we fold it and cut a bit of it then unfold it and start tracing over it matching it on  the paper once we have done that we pick two colours and colour it in it was really fun.


Fun Run

For fun run we had to run from Mission Bay to St Heliers  And we were Versing GI. We went very fast when the lady said go and in the middle of the way I was out of breath for a bit but I didn’t stop because I knew if I stopped I wouldn’t have won so I kept going until I saw the finish line. The police officers encouraged me to reach to the end and after a few day’s of waiting what place I came I found out and I came 3rd I was really happy with my progress.